domingo, 20 de julio de 2008


El Papa expresa en Australia, la vergüenza que supone para la iglesia los casos de pedofilia de sacerdotes en ese país, y se olvida del resto del mundo.
Se olvida de que no quiso recibir en el Vaticano a las víctimas de pedofilia de los Estados Unidos, se olvida de que la única medida que tomó la iglesia en este sentido es expulsar a los sacerdotes gays, y no reconoce que la mayoría de los casos de pedofilia de la iglesia son de sacerdotes heterosexuales.
El Papa se olvida…la iglesia se olvida,
las víctimas y nosotros NO!
(Pope expresses in Australia, the embarrassment caused to the church cases of paedophile priests in that country, and forget the rest of the world. It forgets that did not want to receive in the Vatican to victims of paedophilia in the United States, forgets that the only action that took the church here is to expel gay priests, and does not recognize that most cases the church paedophile priests are heterosexual. Pope forgets… the church is forgotten, victims and we NO!)

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Javi,
I am sorry not to speak Spanish !
Could you please sum up what you wrote about the "Iglésia" ?
Muchas Gracias !

Cheers, Besos,

PS: Are you writing about the so-called "excuses" of the Pope Benedict XVI in Australia ?
Well, it is so easy to say empty words !
But it's much HARDER to cure, to heal the poor young victims, some of whom committed suicide or have their life just RUINED by the so-called Catholic Church priests...
On my side, i am SOOO glad that France is a SECULAR State !
We got rid off these Vatican people...

" Pax, in terra, hominibus bonae voluntatis ! "
We can just have both peace (Pax) and men of good will (hominibus bonae voluntatis) without the Church....

JP dijo...

La Iglesia parece de otro Mundo .
Pobres no hay un solo tema que lo traten con objetividad.
De Benedicto XVI que se puede decir , que es la estocada final .
Un anciano nazi , obsoleto para los tiempos que corren y un símbolo de la hipocresía de una Institución con la misma vida que una estrella fugaz .
Realmente , no entiendo con todo el daño que ha hecho la Iglesia como aún sigue "Vigente".
Pero ya se les van cerrando puertas.
Un beso

kappyqueens dijo...

Mi querido Antinous, traducción por google:
Pope expresses in Australia, the embarrassment caused to the church cases of paedophile priests in that country, and forget the rest of the world.
It forgets that did not want to receive in the Vatican to victims of paedophilia in the United States, forgets that the only action that took the church here is to expel gay priests, and does not recognize that most cases the church paedophile priests are heterosexual.
Pope forgets… the church is forgotten,
victims and we NO!

Anónimo dijo...

Thank you very much, dear Javi for the translation in English !
Your analysis is totally right !

Muchas Gracias ! Besos,
Antinous - Paris

PS: Another day, it would be interesting to know what the Catholic Church thinks of your great Federico Garcia Lorca !
By the way, I never read any book of Federico Garcia Lorca, but I watched a superb movie about him !


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